What's Happening at the Reading Airport?
A 2022 study found that the Reading Regional Airport ranked in the top ten percent of airports in Pennsylvania, with an economic impact of over $77 million. Covid had a significant impact on every airport in the Commonwealth. In Reading, the airport operations have recovered. The Reading Airport intends to build on that momentum. Reading Regional Airport’s vision is to become the top regional airport in Pennsylvania in economic impact and operations.
In October 2022, the Berks County Commissioners assumed control over the Airport, reconstituting the Airport Authority. They consolidated some operations at the airport. The two fixed base operations that had shared the airport were merged into a single entity. And some new services have been launched as part of an effort to be both more efficient and more competitive.
Learn more about what is happening at the Reading Regional Airport and what the future might bring. Hear about the economic impact that it is already having in our region. And what it might be like five years from now.
Thursday Feb 29, 2024
11:30 AM - 1:00 PM EST
Register in advance for this meeting:
David Myers
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606 Court Street, Reading, PA 19601 – (610) 376-6766 – info@greaterreading.org