Trish's Specialty Cheesecakes
We offer a wide variety of Cheesecake and delicious deserts for your enjoyment.. 4 inch cheesecakes are available all the time. We only use the freshest and locally sourced ingredients'. All deserts are made fresh for your enjoyment. Call ahead for a 9 inch so that we can produce your individualized deliciousness.
Studio West Hair Salon
We support continuing education for cultivating talent that ensures our guests with the latest trends in the beauty industry.
10% off services to Chamber members
FREE Month of Secure Web Hosting
Does your website have an A+ Security rating? Do you even know what grade it has? If you answered NO to one of those questions, your entire business is at risk.We are the only company on earth that offers an Out-Of-The-Box A+ Security Rating by Probely on all websites we host, along with guaranteed PCI Compliance Validation by Security Metrics.
If your website does not have an A+ Security Rating, this is for you!
FREE IT Assessment with CSP Transfer of M365 or Google Licensing
Cloud Readiness Assessment - This assessment will provide you with answers to the following questions along with a set of clear and specific actions to take to prepare your business to migrate it's IT infrastructure to the cloud. Technology Infrastructure Assessment - This assessment will provide you with answers to the following questions along with a set of clear and specific actions to take to right fit your technology and cloud infrastructure to the needs of your business.
If you are looking for a responsive CSP and also need a pro-active technology assessment, this is for you!
Technology and Compliance Assessment Special Pricing
GRCA members receive 20% off on our Technology Assessments.
20% off Grand Opening Special Pricing
10% off Office Party Ice Cream Catering from the Great American Creamery
Book the Great American Creamery for your office party ice cream catering. GRCA members get a 10% discount on their office party ice cream catering
The Great American Creamery is offering 10% off of Office Party Ice Cream Catering to fellow GRCA members